May 21, 2010

Poetry Friday--Cat Crazy

Okay, I'll admit it. I have a thing for cats. So, this week, I'm sharing a poem about cat's whiskers. When you have a digital camera and two cats, you end up with LOTS of cat photos. I decided to go close-up and cropped a picture of Skippy so that I had the nose and whiskers, then I added a poem, and voila!

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved

Laura Salas is hosting this week's Poetry Friday Round-Up. Make sure to stop by!


  1. Meow! What fun. Love it. :)

  2. I never knew the whiskers had such a story to tell. Love your poem and picture, Diane!

  3. Diane,

    Cats are such interesting people! Thanks for the cat poem!

    Laura Evans

  4. I collect all the cat whiskers I find on the couch or near the food dish or wherever they land when they're done being vibrissae. (great word!) I don't know why I do it...

  5. Thanks everyone! Mary Lee, collecting whiskers is like collecting pebble or feathers. They end up in the trash, but for a moment they are so appealing/interesting.
