July 14, 2010

Announcing--Berry Blue Haiku

I don't know how I forgot to do this last month, but I forgot to announce the publication of a new haiku journal--for kids! It's Berry Blue Haiku and its first issue came out in June. Check it out here. And look for the haiga on page 2!

An interview with the publisher, Gisele LeBlanc can be found here. The next issue will be out on September 15, and a one-year subscription can be ordered for just $4.99.


  1. I'm smiling because (1) I like the above picture, (2) I always smile at the noodling ladies, and (3) it just occurred to me that length-wise, nothing could be further from my own work than a haiku!

  2. Thanks for sharing!! Going to order up a subscription.
