July 2, 2010

Poetry Friday--Let's Celebrate!

No need to explain this original poem for today!

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved. Image courtesy Library of Congress.

Head on over to The Poem Farm for this week's Poetry Friday Round-Up.

Have fun and be safe this weekend!


  1. Hooray for fireworks and celebrations!

  2. I love the final question of your poem, Diane. Answering it is one of our jobs as poets!

  3. Reminds me of a great fireworks poem by Diane Z. Shore that appeared in an issue of Highlights. Great fodor for poetry!

  4. I'm with Toby, the spaghetti and fireworks makes a great combination! Great poem!

  5. "sing praises to us all" I look forward to tonight and will think about your poem amidst the show. You know...maybe we will have spaghetti. Thank you!

  6. Thanks all! The spaghetti was a nod to the Chinese who brought us the delights of pasta AND fireworks! If everyone forgets carbs for one day, they can celebrate true freedom on the 4th! ;-)

  7. Because I'm computer-challenged, I couldn't figure out how to get my work up on Poetry Friday; but reading your celebration of spaghetti has consoled me!
