February 4, 2011

Poetry Friday--Hyacinths Part 2

A month ago I posted a piece about forcing hyacinths. At the time, my hyacinth bulb had only sprouted a bit a green. Here it is now:

It has definitely lived up to its promise!

On Monday, at The Miss Rumphius Effect, Tricia challenged us to write a poem about looking up, either literally or figuratively. My hyacinth inspired this salute to spring, although, when I took the photo on Wednesday, we were in the middle of a doozy of a snowstorm!

There is no certainty--
much is contingent on
the caprice of sun
and showers.

Yet, within its crinkling
purple paperthin skin
the heart of the bulb
aligns itself.

With a persistent push
heavenly green rewards
whatever gods exist
in the firmament.

Then, with a jubilation
of pink, an acclamation
of fragrance--hosanna,
hosanna, hosanna


© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved
Head from here over to Dori Reads for the Round-Up this week.


  1. "There is no certainty . . . " From flowers to humans, there are no truer words.

  2. Oh, hyacinths were my grandmother's favorite flower. So this post makes me think about her, and the hosannas make me think about Easter...and striving, and spring coming so soon. It's lovely to imagine that my hyacinths are waiting under all of that white! Maybe I, too, will try to force some next year. Delight!

  3. Thank you for this much-needed reminder of spring. It's a beautiful poem; tight, thoughtful, lovely. You hooked me with the first line, "There is no certainty..." Indeed. I agree with Andy.

  4. Lovely poem and photograph. Hyacinths bring back memories of childhood Easters

  5. Lovely poem and flowers! Your hyacinths are a beautiful promise of spring.

  6. Then, with a jubilation
    of pink, an acclamation
    of fragrance--hosanna,
    hosanna, hosanna--


    Amen to that thought - although the blooms looked so lovely against that snow!

  7. I feel a little like Sally Field. I find myself wanting to gush, "You like my poem!"

    You've warmed my heart, dear readers, on this eve of another storm.

    I wish you could smell my hyacinth--it is heavenly.

  8. The "acclamation/ of fragrance" -- Hosanna, indeed indeed indeed!!!

  9. awesome both your hyacinth muse and resulting poetic expression; much love

  10. Thanks, Mary Lee and Gillena. My hyacinth is still growing upward. Next week comes the inevitable stem collapse.

  11. Those three hosannas are so joyful! I'm feeling the same way about the hyacinth my sister gave me. Watching it come up green, waiting for the bloom while the rain just keeps coming down...then, once it blooms, hooray! Thanks, Diane - lovely poem.

  12. What color is your hyacinth? I wonder if there is a difference in the scents? I'm about ready to start a second bulb. I figure it will take two more bloom cycles before it's spring!
