March 2, 2011

What We Leave Behind

"I can't have everybody painting on the walls of the school."

The quote above is by a Pennsylvania high school principal, Raymond McFall, who is planning on renovating a classroom where students have left their mark over the years.

A Wall Street Journal article by Jeffrey Zaslow, "Erasing Signatures From History," tells of the classroom wall and of other walls, some decades old, where people have written their names. It is a thought provoking piece and should generate some interesting discussion. Is it more important to spiff up a classroom or to preserve a moment in time?

Photo of a wall in Austria taken by ugod


  1. Those walls hold so much meaning to so many people. I say the moment needs to be preserved.

  2. Maybe turn the wall into some historical artifact, do a little research and post on the wall students who went on to succeed in different professions, students who had died....Memento mori.

    I love history.

  3. ...and as I fully agree:
    Hold to history, history is you. _m
