September 30, 2011

Poetry Friday--"At the Bottom of the Menu"

Just about 2 years ago, I went to dinner with a friend, and honest-to-goodness, there was a warning message...
At the Bottom of the Menu

Talking on your cell phone at the table has been known to shut off power to the kitchen. Please carry on cell phone conversations in the front lobby. Thank you.

The warnings of
the fine print take
me off guard--idle
threats or truth?

With microwaves
and radio waves criss-
crossing are we in
any real danger of

not getting our food in
a timely manner or
is the only danger that
of another diner hearing

intimate details of
a complete stranger's
night of sexual prowess
before his own dessert

is served.

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

I love unexpected surprises found on restaurant menus or placemats, don't you?

Check out the Poetry Friday Round-Up, hosted this week at Read Write Believe.


  1. Either way I like the directive - and your poetic take on it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. A dining experience that comes with a warning. Interesting!

  3. Very cool, Diane! I must read menus more carefully if they contain treasures such as this one.

  4. A very clever chef at that restaurant! Love your way of weaving it into a poem.

  5. thanks for sharing, for whatever the true reason; it gives me chuckle

    much love...

  6. Creative copy on menus is always appreciated! And cell phone blabbers at restaurant tables are NEVER appreciated!!!

  7. I'd like to see this warning on every menu. Coupled with "OR ELSE DESSERT WILL BE DENIED."
