April 13, 2012

Poetry Friday--"Sometimes in Spring"

Sometimes in Spring

Sometimes in spring the dogwood
gives notice that its leaves
are ready to pop.

Sometimes in spring the song
of one robin is distinguishable
from all the others.

Sometimes in spring the hyacinth
releases it heady scent
warm and rousing.

Sometimes in spring
there is a day like today.
Don't miss it.

I found this in my files. It was dated April 17, 2009. Today's another day exactly like it!

Head over to Booktalking for the Round-Up, then, as my late mother used to say, "Go outside and blow the stink off you."

Tomorrow come back for the 14th day's addition to Irene Latham's April project, the 2012 Kidlitosphere Progressive Poem. Today, the Friday-the-13th line is being added by my artful friend, Tabatha.

Next Friday, the Poetry Friday Round-Up will be held right here at Random Noodling. It should be fun!

Photo by listentoreason.


  1. Good morning, Diane. Your mother's quote cracked me up. Your poem captures what's going on in my yard right now -- red bud, phlox and mini irises all in bloom. It's gorgeous.

  2. I loved your mom's directive, too! Ha! Thanks for retrieving this from your files to share - with your poem along with Linda's offering at TeacherDance today, who couldn't embrace Spring?

  3. Thinking of springtime makes me wish to live in a place with seasons. At least, I wish that briefly.

  4. Love your poem's and your mom's advice.

  5. I have adopted my friend's father's reason for opening windows when it's just barely warm enough to do so...to blow the stink out!
