April 6, 2012

Poetry Friday--Peep Poetry

Well, it's time once again to consider whether you simply want to eat your marshmallow Peeps®, or, if you want to be a Peeps® scientist (and you know that involves a microwave, so boys and girls, have adult supervision). I'd say buy two packs of Peeps® and have it both ways!

Nibbling on the Peeps a few days early...

I recommend checking out the Washington Post's "Peeps Show" for a look at even more fun things to do with Peeps®.

Since it's Poetry Friday, my challenge for today was to come up with a poem about Peeps®--a surprisingly easy task! There are literally baskets full. Many are found at Peep Art!, and an ode to the pink ones is found at A Diary Left Open. But, writing one of my own--that wasn't an easy task! What remains to be said about Peeps®? Not too much, so I took a different angle.
The Old Cat

She has a reputation for
being fussy, turning up her nose
at almost everything cats
normally relish. She eats
when she's hungry, not
according to a human's schedule.
Lord help you, though, if she's
famished and you, her slave,
are not at the ready with a can opener.
As for expensive feline treats,
she'll indulge only if the "other"
shows an interest in them first.
It's not that she likes these treats,
she simply won't let the usurper
win out. Here she is, at seventeen,
an old cat sitting by a basket,
her little pink tongue flicking a lick
of sugar from a sticky yellow Peep.
I take my Easter miracles where
I can get them. Don't you?

A special treat for me, today, is that my writing hint is being featured at Laura Shovan's blog, Author Amok, as part of her "30 Habits of Highly Effective Poets" series. Check it out and then head over to the Poetry Friday Round-Up being hosted by Robyn Hood Black.

Peeps update: Downton Abbey lovers have taken Peeps art and run with it. Click here.

Poem and photo © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


  1. Hi, Diane. I love the angle you took with your Peeps poem. So easy to picture the self-satisfied grin on the cat's face. Thanks for the link to the gallery of Peeps "art." What a treat those are. They crack me up.

  2. Mary Lee Hahn emailed me to say:


    For some reason, I can't leave a comment on your blog. So here it is:

    "I take my Easter miracles where
    I can get them. Don't you?"


    And god bless old cats!

    Mary Lee

    Thanks, Mary Lee! For some reason, comments aren't posting correctly. I have no idea what the problem can be. :-(

  3. Mary Lee took my comment. It was simply, "Yes"! (And a good wish for the kitty.) Thanks for this wonderful poem, and for the Peeps fun. I just sent the Downton Abbey link to my daughter - hilarious! Happy Easter!
