November 23, 2012

Poetry Friday--A Rant

As each year goes by, I become less tolerant of the American obsession with shopping. I try hard to stay away from shopping (destination shopping, recreational shopping, bargain hunting), but it's an ingrained habit.

This fall has brought me to the conclusion that the habit must be broken. Who needs Christmas music in late October? Who needs to go shopping on Thanksgiving Day instead of spending quality time with the family. Who needs more stuff?

Small local businesses are being pushed out by large corporate interests. The corporation is invading our lives for the sole purpose of making money--not for the improvement of humanity. It's basically brainwashing us into thinking we have to buy, buy, buy to love, or to be loved.

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

If we must buy this weekend, then think about buying locally, at what used to be known as "mom and pop" stores. Wait until tomorrow to do it and participate in Small Business Saturday™. (I have some reservations about promoting a day that American Express has trademarked, but it has the support of the U.S. Small Business Administration.) Today, make soup with the turkey carcass. Make a list of things you're thankful for and forgot to express yesterday. And read poetry! Start off at Mary Lee's A Year of Reading!


  1. Hear, hear! I'm with you on this, Diane. It's made me dread the holidays which I used to look forward to before. It's becoming more challenging to shut out the noise and avoid the hype and pressure.

  2. Hi, Diane. I'm with you. We avoid shopping as much as possible, and especially this weekend. Baltimore has a great craft scene -- independent artists and crafters will hold several fairs in the next few weeks. Those fairs feed the soul and fill the stockings with interesting hand-made gifts. Turkey stock is made. Can't wait for the soup!

  3. Let me join the chorus and rant along with you. Hear, hear!

  4. I spent the day happily engaged in research on something purely for pleasure (in other words, not a book idea, but it might end up in a poem). I met friends at a non-chain restaurant for lunch. My Friday was far from BLACK--more rose colored than anything. Thanks for stopping by today, Jama, Laura, Susan, and Matt; I hope your day was pleasant and shop-free, too.

  5. Another reason to be thankful to live in Haiti!

  6. Three cheers for this rant!! This is the year we are going to start giving our friends a charitable donation in their names, rather than more STUFF.

  7. I'm with you Mary Lee! I always give Heifer Project gifts of honeybees, chicks, or ducks!

  8. Black Friday. Black Thursday. Black. Black. Black.

    I've been shopping locally now for quite some time, and I love supporting small business!!! Makes me feel bright and happy!

    Excellent rant, D!
