November 8, 2013

Poetry Friday--Yee Ha! The Round-Up is Here!

Welcome to Poetry Friday!

Let me tell you why I like to volunteer to host the Round-Up: most Fridays I have to rush off to be at work by nine. Usually, I have time to read a few posts before I go, but, I don't often comment since that takes longer. On my turn to host the Round-Up, I take the day off from work. I read every linked post, and I make sure to comment. I ask your forgiveness for the rest of the year during which I'm reading, but not commenting much.

Yesterday I posted a short poem to warm us up, and for today, I have a tanka.

Please click on the image to enlarge it for easier reading. © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

I guess I was having one of my "Berenstain Bears moments" when I put this haiga together! (If you don't know what a "Berenstain Bears moment" is, it's when you let the desire to hammer home a lesson overcome you.)

So, here are my blog links for today, followed by all yours!

At the Kurious Kitty, where I swore I wasn't going to bother with a post today, I succumbed to a little beauty of a poem by Joyce Sidman.

My Poetry Friday quote at KK's Kwotes is by Marilyn Monroe! I think it's not really a "dumb blonde" statement if you stop and think about it for a while. Let me know what you think.

First out of the gate is Keri at Keri Recommends! She's introducing many of us to the New York Times archive of the "Writers on Writing" column. It looks to be a treasure trove!

At Crackles of Speech Steven has a snapping turtle poem--original and quite punny!

Margaret writes to us from Louisiana and at Reflections on the Teche we're introduced to the Louisiana poet laureate, Ava Leavell Haymon, through a video and two poems. Margaret is anticipating Haymon's visit to New Iberia next week. I wish I lived a little closer! (1,667 miles is just a bit too far!)

Cathy reminds us that art can be fun with an original poem inspired by the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Gardens in Massachusetts. Check out "Latex Lava" and the accompanying photo at bildebok.

Jama's Alphabet Soup has a review of Yes! We Are Latinos by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy. The book provides a look, through poetry and the fabulous illustrations of David Diaz, at the Latino immigrant experience.

Laura Salas and Kurious Kitty are on the same wave-length this week. We both have poems from Joyce Sidman's book, What the Heart Knows: Chants, Charms & Blessings. She chose "Sleep Charm" to share with us today. Read and listen to it here.

Robyn Hood Black is starting a new series called "We Haiku Here," in which we are introduced to haiku poets from the very active Southeast Chapter of The Haiku Society of America. She starts off with Curtis Dunlap.

At Today's Little Ditty Michelle looks at Joni Mitchell, poet and musician. What's your favorite Joni Mitchell song? Here's one of mine:

April at Teaching Authors has an original poem that poses the question, "are you a Plotter or a Pantser?" Intriqued? Go check it out. We'll be here when you get back. Also, Teaching Authors is gearing up for their annual Two Weeks of Thanks-Giving! April has the details.

Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme's Matt, has a sonnet he wrote in college back in 1988, "Thoughts of the Falconer." He was definitely paying attention in class!

The ubiquitous Charles Ghigna has a poem about dogs at Father Goose--"The Ubiquitous Barking Dogs." And, at Bald Ego he has "Fish Dreams," a sad little poem that starts like this, "August slipped in through the window/and slept heavy in my bed." How lovely is that?

Lucky Linda at TeacherDance is a Cybils poetry award judge this year. The two years I was judged were great--one doesn't often get to have in-depth discussions of poetry. Today, she's sharing one of the Cybils nominees, Cat Talk by Patricia MacLachlan and Emily MacLachlan Charest. My alter-ego, Kurious Kitty, should be ashamed of herself for not having ordered this yet for the library!

Violet Nesdoly is taking part in a poem-a-day challenge and shares one of her poems with us, "The Custodian." She has started off the month with a bang already!

Amy's Poem Farm is full of crows and children's poems today, and also her own little poem. She also blew me away with this, "When we can look at children for all they are and can be, sometimes the boxes that exist in the world of education can be terrifyingly confining." (I think Amy is pushing back at the sides of those boxes, don't you?)

Jone looks at November with a shadorma at Check It Out. Don't know what a shadorma is? It's a six-line poem, and if you read Jone's poem, I'll bet you'll figure out what else is involved in writing one! (Think syllables.)

At the Opposite of Indifference, Tabatha celebrates The Baby's Opera by Walter Crane. The illustrations are just delicious! And the poems are true to the book's subtitle, "old rhymes with new dresses." Tabatha pulls out a few of the lesser-known nursery rhymes to share.

Mary Lee, has discovered the wonder hidden within the cinquain form. She has a lovely sequence at A Year of Reading, which was inspired by student art.

"A Flake in Fall" is an original poem by Betsy at I Think in Poems. I just heard that we may be getting some snow here in NH later in the weekend. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm not ready!

Tara @ A Teaching Life shows us the fun involved in recycling--from buildings made of plastic bottles, to poetry! How can we not recycle?

Heidi is challenging herself with MyPoPerDayMo. She share three days' worth of poems today at My Juicy Little Universe. And don't forget to read her back posts for the first days' poems.

Ruth is another who is taking on the daily poem challenge. Today, however, she's sharing a poem by a blogging friend, Jessica Stock, called "thinking about Thoreau at the end of the sixth birthday party." I think you will like it, too, I sure do, especially the opening lines! Read it at There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town.

As much as I like rounding up the P.F. links, there are some drawbacks--like drinking too much coffee! I'm on my third cup already (and they're not little wimpy 6 oz. cups). I'd better switch to seltzer soon or I'll be looking like Sylvester.

Karen Edmisten shares Ellen Bass's poem "After a Daughter's Wedding." My own daughter got married in late August and I'm still in shock, so this poem resonates with me!

Check out Jeannine's post "Nudging Up the Volume Control" at Views from a Window Seat. She ponders some questions of concern such as this: "Can I make a poem like a painting that provokes a gasp at a glance, yet still reveal more for those who linger?"

At Gathering Books Fats has Kenn Nesbitt's "My Brother's Not a Werewolf." It's the last poem in the Gathering Books' series "Monsters, Beasts, and Chimeras: Spooks and Spectres."

If you're ready for words that dance, head over to see Elizabeth Steinglass where she has an original fall poem called "The Maple." Images such as "She shimmied like she was on fire," will put a big grin on your face!

Little Willow at Bildungsroman shares a W.S. Merwin poem. I also found that my old friend Mortimer is still hopping around! I think he's got the Energizer Bunny beat!

Speaking of rabbits, have you seen Nick Bruel's response to an Amazon review? I'll try to post a link, but Facebook, where I shared it originally, won't let me into my page! "Sorry, but this page didn't load properly. Please try again." I've been trying for the past half-hour! WTF! Found it!

Renee at No Water River received a lovely gift this week from the two Julies--Julie Larios and Julie Paschkis. She shared "Trolls" and a specially inscribed title page. To say I'm green with envy is an understatement!

Lucky Lorie Ann Grover is just back from Greece and we get a vicarious thrill through her photo and poem, "Santorini Sunset." You'll find it at On Point.

On the other hand, poor Anastasia at Poet! Poet! is not so lucky. Fortunately we don't get the computer problems, just the poem, "Wait!" that tells us about it!

Catherine shares a poem by Marie Howe called "Hurry." You can hurry to Reading to the Core to read it, but let's not hurry too much or someone will get hurt!

Tricia is back! She's suggesting that everyone subscribe to Ted Kooser's American Life in Poetry weekly email. I second that! There are some really great short poems showing up in my inbox! Tricia can be found at The Miss Rumphius Effect where she's also sharing one of the poems she received in Mr. Kooser's mailings.

Poetry for Kids Joy has an original poem, "My Sippy Cup," obviously for a young audience! (Or the dog that is usually the beneficiary of anything edible/drinkable that is flung from a highchair.)

Mrs. Bennett shares an awesome lesson in which students experience loss in a thoughtful, yet harmless way. I was so impressed by the use of a list of favorite things! At Used Books in Class, Mrs. Bennett also shows a video of Elizabeth Bishop's brilliant "One Art."

It's almost time to shut down for the night. If I haven't commented at your blog yet rest assured I will do so tomorrow morning. If you haven't left a link, you can do it at any time, I will post it. I Promise.


  1. November is on my mind:

  2. What a great host you are, Diane! Thanks! I like your haiga AND yesterday's pre-round-up poem. I have The Baby's Opera today:

  3. Happy Poetry Day to you! What a fun little treat you give yourself!

    I participated in Tricia's Poetry Stretch and wrote some cinquains:

  4. Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday, Diane. And, thanks for the timely Haiga! Here's my contribution, very random, about plastic shopping bags and stuff...

  5. Dropping in today with progress on MyPoPerDayMo project...


    I have a poem today called "Thinking about Thoreau at the End of the Sixth Birthday Party," by Jessica Stock. Thanks for hosting! I'll be back later to read what everyone else has posted.

  7. Thank you, Diane, for hosting today! Your haiga is a good reminder...time is the gift, for us and others too! Today at The Poem Farm, I have a little poem about a crow and a child, but the best part is the visit to Suparna Kudesia's classroom - where she and her students share their "It depends" poems. Find the post here - Happy Poetry Friday! xo, a.

  8. Hi again Diane, I just realized that part of the link I left was chopped off. Here' the corrected version: Thanks again!

  9. Thanks for hosting, and what a dedicated host you are! :)
    I'm in this week with an Ellen Bass poem. It's here.

  10. Thanks again for hosting, Diane. Your tanka made me stop in my tracks this busy morning... a good thing!

    1. Now, I'll be responsible for getting you back on track? Oh, the pressure...

  11. Diane, I like how you take off a Friday a year to devote to this, and like your tanka, and your "Berenstein Bear moment" phrase, though I don't find the tanka too messagy at all. Leading us in with Joni Mitchell reminds me that one day I really should get the audio on my computer repaired.

    I wrote about quiet voices in "Nudging Up the Volume Control" at Thanks!

  12. Sometimes it takes a bear with a hammer! Thank you for taking the day off and putting so many personal touches into your hosting. You probably don't remember, but you were the host for my first PF post last April and I remember how welcome you made me feel because you added in that round of applause soundbite. Enjoy your Chelsea morning. :)

    1. I'm sure happy you remembered. I'm glad we've "bonded" over the past year! :-)

  13. Thank you for hosting, Diane! I love your haiga. I'm up this week with a Kenn Nesbitt poem as the last feature for our theme on Monsters, Beasts, and Chimeras. Have a beautiful weekend! =)

  14. It's wonderful that you take the day for hosting, Diane. I like your haifa, a message we all might listen to as the holidays push into our lives.

  15. Thank you for hosting! Enjoyed your pre-holiday haiga.

  16. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for hosting. Ah, yes I have those Berenstain Bears moments too. Thanks for giving a name to them. Things have been crazy at our house so I'm just happy I made it this week. I have an original poem about the changing leaves, entitled, "The Maple."
    Happy Poetry Friday!

  17. Good morning, and thanks for hosting! I posted Empty Water by W.S. Merwin as well as The Mortimer Minute over at my blog, Bildungsroman:

  18. Hello, Diane, and thank you for hosting! That's a lovely haiga and exactly what I was telling myself last night as I fretted over some deadlines.

    Today I am sharing some treasures I received from Julie Larios and Julie Paschkis, including a couple of trolls!

  19. Thank you for taking the day off to help us all share our words! Loved your work for today.

    Just having returned from Greece, at On Point I have my haiku, Santorini Sunset. Thank you!

  20. Thanks for hosting, Diane! Love the tanka and yes, it does feel like that at this time of year!

    I'm sharing a computer woes haiku @ Poet! Poet! "WAIT!"

  21. It seems like we're of similar minds today, Diane! I have Marie Howe's "Hurry" up on my blog today:
    Thanks for hosting, and savor this day!

  22. Hi Diane,
    Fancy meeting you here! I'm so happy to be back to Poetry Friday. Today I'm sharing a poem entitled For the Chipmunk in My Yard.
    Thanks for hosting!

  23. Hi, Diane,
    I'm late to the party (as usual) Trying to make an entrance.
    I have an original poem for the very young titled MY SIPPY CUP up with a poetry challenge at:

    Thanks for hosting us.

    Joy Acey

  24. Just finished this poetry activity with my AP Literature students: Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art" with King Lear

  25. Diane, I bow down to you! You are an inspiring mentor in Poetry Friday hosting. I will try to be as good a host as you when my turn comes 'round next.

  26. April, flattery will get you everywhere at Random Noodling! Seriously, thank you.

  27. Diane, I never have enough time to read and comment on all that interests me, and I try to schedule hosting for when I have a day off too...none for me this time around! Thanks for writing up the links so completely--I love Mr. Linky and other similar tools, but reading your host-post is like reading the NYT Book Review--one almost feels they've read all the posts! Now I'll get on to the handful I have time for...

    1. Thanks Heidi. Mr. Linky has improved I think, or maybe it's just me getting used to it. I may try it in the future. Enjoy this crisp fall day.

  28. especially luv the haiga - verse and image totally

    much love...

    1. Thanks, Gillena. I've been working on tanka a lot lately. I have another one scheduled for tomorrow.
