December 15, 2013

Happy Haiga Day!

This one is from yesterday, and is for my online friend Keri Collins Lewis who lives in Mississippi and doesn't have to worry about any of the stuff that's covering the ground in New Hampshire this morning!

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


  1. i have to google 'nimbostratus' clouds

    much love...

    1. What would we ever do without the internet search? Thanks for stopping by this afternoon. I just cleared the snow off my car so I'm ready for work tomorrow! We got close to a foot of the fluffy stuff.

  2. A foot of snow!! If that happened here people would thing The End had come. ;-) This is probably the only poem I've ever had written for me, and certainly the only with projectile vomit. xoxoxo

    1. I can't imagine there are too many poems with projectile vomit in them, and certainly none with snow AND projectile vomiting. Consider yourself privileged!
