December 27, 2013

Poetry Friday--Winter Poem Swap

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday, and that you have a few days off. Sadly, I had to work yesterday and today, but, I'm so looking forward to the weekend!

This month I participated in the 2013 Winter Poem Swap organized by Tabatha Yeatts. My swap partner, Margaret, of Reflections on the Teche, sent me a copy of her book of poems, with illustrations by her father, John Gibson, titled Illuminate. Margaret generously allowed me to share one of the poems with you. I chose "The Pointellist":
The Pointillist

She laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.

He sits at the drawing table,
taps the paper
as an instrument.

Music comes forth
in tones
dark and light.

from his heart
to his hand beats—

syncopated in time—
drumming out each dot
point by point.

emerges in focus
inviting my eye.

I go with him
to the stable,
kneel next to the cow,

smell the light scent of hay,
listen to the breath
of a child,

adore with Mary.

© Margaret Gibson Simon, all rights reserved.

© John Gibson, all rights reserved.

Isn't that just beautiful? Art, love, family, and faith, in one small poem. The illustrations, Margaret explains, are from a series of Christmas cards created by her father. The epigraph from the poem is the message that was found inside the card. If you would like to purchase a copy of Illuminate for your very own, click here.

Last week on her blog Margaret shared the poem I sent to her. If you missed it, I'm including it here:

Click on image to enlarge for easier reading. © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

I wrote this on a day when I had to wear a pair of fingerless gloves to type! I have a hard time keeping my hands warm and I was wondering what the temperatures are like down in Louisiana at this time of year. That got me to asking, "just what is the Bayou Teche?" And this is what came out of my research.

This last Poetry Friday of 2013 is being hosted by Mary Lee, our Round-Up coordinator, at A Year of Reading. Don't miss the delights she's gathering up as we speak!


  1. "Art, love, family, and faith, in one small poem." -- precisely right, Diane! Thank you for sharing this today.

    1. Thanks for organizing this wonderful exchange! I now feel like I have friends from all over the US because of these personal contacts you've initiated.

  2. Thanks for sharing my poem today, Diane. I love the connections we make in this Poetry Friday world. What kind of work do you do? I assume everyone is a teacher, but that must not be so. I hope you do get a few days off to enjoy the season.

    1. I'm a public librarian, and I'm taking a vacation day on Monday. Although I'm working here this week, business hasn't exactly been booming. Everyone will be playing with their "toys" for a little while before becoming bored and ready for a book.

  3. How perfectly Margaret puts me at the side of the artist, and at the manger!

    1. Yes, and for that reason, it was my favorite poem in the book.

  4. I agree with Tabatha, " Art, love, family, and faith, in one small poem" sums it up so well! A beautiful poem and gift.

  5. I am way late to this party, but so glad to discover BOTH poems here. Thank you, Margaret and Diane, for sharing! The nativity poem so softly drew me in, and I love the wonders of pondering what's out someone else's window. (I think COLD is out all of our windows this week, too!) Happy New Year!

  6. It's never too late! Wherever you are, it can't be as cold as it is here! I've had my fill of winter and it's only January 5! Stay warm!
