February 7, 2014

Poetry Friday--Laura Shovan's Pantone® Poetry Project

Last Friday, Laura Shovan challenged everyone to celebrate her birthday month of February with color. I always accept an invitation to be creative, so I wrote several poems with the Pantone® color names listed as this week's prompts. Some of them I also illustrated and these I am sharing today.

This one I wrote pretty quickly, but, I don't know where these dark poems come from, since I've had a very happy youth and adulthood. I guess the treatment of women is on my mind a lot, which should be an indication that I'm spending too much time on the internet!

This one is a bit more upbeat. I suppose I should dedicate it to Cornelius. What do you think, Jama?

I actually received some demitasse cups, saucers, and spoons as a gift many, many years ago. The only thing I've ever used the saucers for was cat food, and not surprisingly, the little spoons are perfect for scooping cat food from those tiny 3 oz. cans. I have no clue where the cups ended up.

It's always good to laugh at one's self, and this I did in spades here! The gravestone is one I photographed way up north in Pittsburg, New Hampshire. Through photo editing magic, I got rid of the grass in the background and the names carved on the stone, and fit the poem in nicely.

With all the illustrated poems I tried to use a background color similar to the color I thought the names described. Laura has swatches on her blog, so you may want to compare. Check out the other submissions that were sent to Laura this week! I had great fun doing these three, and I hope to continue with the project when Laura posts a new batch of Pantone® color names today!

There will be more color and colorful poems rounded up by Renee at No Water River.

Poems © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


  1. Hasn't this been a fun project to join, Diane? I have been feeling inspired and famous. I love your poetry. They seem so simple, but I know how you can wrestle around for that just right word. I tried to do rhyming with "Jazzy' and the results are pitiful. I tell my students all the time that I am bad at rhyming. I admire those who can and do it well.

  2. After "snazzy" I can't think of anything else that rhymes with jazzy. I mostly write free verse, for the same reason, I'm bad at rhyme. I don't like reading it all that much either!

  3. There's a color called "A Monument to My Stupidity"??? That is too fabulous for words -- and so is this Pantone project! I have to get in on the action, so I'm heading over to Laura's...

    I particularly liked "Hushed Violet" and that devastating last line.

    1. Renee, the color is simply Monument, but how dull is that?

  4. Hi, Diane. I'm so glad you're having fun with this project. "Demitasse" spoke to me -- I must have a GIANT cup of strong British tea in the morning. A delicate china tea cup would not do. I agree with you. Leave tiny cups to the dolls.

    1. Yep! I'm on my second large cup of coffee. I need it to brace me up before heading out to work!

  5. What fabulous poems and images, Diane! Laura has come up with another great project for all you scribblers. Oh, the pathos in Hushed Violet! Took me by surprise. Of course I'm still chuckling over the other two. Mr. Cornelius loves tiny cups and spoons as you know -- and what a great bear image you found! He claims he's too young to drink coffee, though. And I love what you did what that headstone!

    1. Yes, Mr. C. probably is too young for coffee--but not for coffee milk!

    2. In Australia, all the children (and their bears) order "babychinos" from the local cafes-- frothy milk in miniature cups with sprinkles on top. A bargain at 50c.

    3. "Babychinos" is an awesome name!

  6. Lucky us who get to profit from your projects. Each of these was fabulous in its own way, but the first especially so - those last lines, wow!

  7. I loved what you did with the colors, Diane, as I think you know. I forgot to tell you that I messed around with the 'cup' idea with demitasse for a while, but it didn't go anywhere. I love them all, but that poem is just great. I'll try to get started by Sunday! This is lots of fun!

    1. Please do, Linda. I feel like a kid hogging the ball!

  8. Loved all three. Sounds like a fun way so play with colors!

    1. It is, and strangely enough, I can't write without the swatches in front of me!

  9. How do I love these? Let me count the ways! 1. wow! 2. wow! 3. wow!

  10. Great project, great responses--I do admire what you are able to do with your computer and software, Diane--I often want to get that visual impact and I just don't have the means. I'm really intrigued now by all your "inconstant living"!

    1. Heidi, do explore PicMonkey. Don't expect masterpieces at first, just start off slowly by adding text to a photo. Then try out some of the effects. You can add frames or textures. If you don't like something you've done, there's always the little arched arrow to take you back.

  11. I love each of these poems, Diane! Heading over to Laura's to pick out some colors and join in the fun!

    1. There's a real pretty blue for Sunday, it's called Aqua Haze. I used the other color, Wet Weather (which I don't find wet weather-ish at all), but the name is where I got the idea for the poem. That and a book title I saw that had the word "chicken" in it.

  12. All three of your poems spoke to me. The last stanza of the first...oh, my!

    The second -- I need a big "honking" mug, too.

    The third -- I long for that surgical procedure. My stupidity often haunts me and prevents sleep. If only I could just leave those moments behind and move forward...

  13. I know what you mean about moving forward. I still, on occasion, think about the opportunity I had to tell my high school boyfriend to go to hell, and neglected to do so. It would have saved so much wasted time later on.

  14. These are wonderful, Diane! Each one so different and amazingly sparked by a color. What a cool project. I, too, love the line, "big honking cup". We use big honking in our house a lot - about a variety of things. Thanks for sharing. =)

    1. Hi Bridget! I have a number of large coffee cups, but only one truly honkin' cup. I swear it holds a quart! I like to use it to run a coffee and then a hot chocolate through my Keurig. To top it off I add a little milk. I'd add whipped cream, too, if I had any. A delicious honkin' mocha for a cold day!

  15. Thanks for taking my emotions from one extreme to the other. That I immediately thought of Cornelius is a sign that I may not be losing my mind after all. Thanks for sharing these. I need to try PicMonkey!

  16. Cornelius is delightful, isn't he? PicMonkey--definitely try it!
