April 21, 2014

Ekphrastic Monday Poem #3

After I finished the first two Ekphrastic Monday poems, I realized they were both about pets, so I decided to maintain the thematic tie.

Click on the image to enlarge. © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved. "A Funny Parrot" by Philip B. Hahs (1880), courtesy The Athenaeum.

I didn't set out to make the little boy so mean-spirited, but, one so young, who works for a pittance, can't be expected to be always gracious with his thoughts.


  1. Oh, Diane, you have that sense of humor that makes me laugh at the story. I love the bit of dialogue you put in.

  2. You made me smile, also i remembered a Calypso about a a woman who was unfaithful to her husband, she had a dumb son so he could say this to the husband the parrot however kept trying tell him of her trysts white he was out of the house so the killed the parrot andcooked it

    Have a nice Monday

    Much love....

    1. All that got into a song? I'd love to hear it! Thanks for broadening my world, Gillena!
