November 21, 2014

Poetry Friday--"O World of Toms"

In preparation for the big feast next Thursday, here's an odd little poem by Robert Francis:
O World of Toms

O world of Toms--tomfools, Tom Peppers,
Dark Peeping Toms and Tom-the-Pipers,
Tom Paines, Tom Joneses, Tom Aquinases,
Undoubting Toms and Doubting Thomases,
Tomboys, Tom Thumbs, Tom-Dick-and-Harries,
Tom Collinses and Tom-and-Jerries,
Tom Wolfes, Tom Jeffersons, Tom Hardies,
Tom cods, tomcats, tomtits, tom-turkeys--
O hospitable world! And still they come
In every shape and shade of Tom.

I'll bet nine out of ten holiday gatherings will have at least one Tom beside a tom-turkey at its table!

By the way, "O World of Toms" has been set to music as part of Fort Juniper Songs. I would have embedded the video, but I couldn't understand a word! A cute poem drowning in the music. However, if you insist on giving it a listen, click here.

Becky at Tapestry of Words will be hosting a cornucopia of poetry!


  1. How clever this is, Diane. Thanks for sharing. We do have one Tom coming to the table, but not Tom Turkey. Other tastes take precedence. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    1. Yes, I thought it was clever, too! I'm glad you like it!

  2. I am so sorry, Diane--I was moving at super speed this morning and somehow skipped your wonderful second link. I have added the Kurious Kitty link to the Roundup! I love the "Tom" poem. My husband's grandfather is a Tom! = )

    1. Not a problem Becky, I know how it is doing the Round-Up. A few weeks back it was my turn and I worked non-stop for 5 hours. It is grueling reading all those poems! ;-)

  3. Love visiting the poetry sites. Enjoyed "world of Toms" poem!

  4. I am one of 10 kids (3 brothers), countless Uncles, cousins, and nephews and not one is named Tom! Joseph on the other hand is pervasive throughout my family. Happy Thanksgiving, Diane, enjoy your Tom Turkey if he is invited. =)

    1. Not a single one! Amazing. So now, you must write "O World of Joes."

  5. "Odd little poem," indeed! Thanks for sharing, Diane.

    1. Matt, did you listen to the musical interpretation? Talk about ODD!

  6. Hi, Diane - no Toms at our table, but we do have a friend named Tom. (Our tomcat was de-tomified at an early age, though he probably thinks he's all that.)

    You find the most intriguing treasures - thanks for sharing this one, and Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, Robyn, and a happy holiday to you, too! I found the Tom poem because I read somewhere that Robert Frost said Robert Francis was "the best neglected poet." Since I'd never heard of Francis, I found one of his books in our local library consortium and borrowed it. I've only read 1/2 of the book, and nothing up to this point has struck me as outstanding, but I did get a kick out of "O World..."

  7. The Tom in our family is in Boston... closer to your table than to ours. Maybe we can find another just to make sure the world stays in balance.
