January 29, 2016

Poetry Friday--Another Angel Poem

I have two months time in which to finish my angel-themed Sketchbook Project for 2016. I'm putting off filling the sketchbook with the stuff I had planned (bright mixed media pages) due to a basic fear of ART. I have no problem using the computer to manipulate images, it's the art materials I fear. Paint! Pencils! Scissors! Paper! Yikes!

I continue to write angel poems, and if worse comes to worst, I'll print off the poems and glue them into the sketchbook.

So, for today, another "delay tactic" angel poem:

Click on the image to enlarge for easier reading. © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

Catherine at Reading to the Core will be hosting this week's Poetry Friday Round-Up.


  1. Diane, I think of you as pretty fearless.... Just summon your Guardian Angel, whatever his or her BMI, and you will have all the backup you need to play with those pencils and paint!
    Thanks for sharing, Angelic One.

    1. Fearless, no. I'm working myself up to starting...maybe in a day or two...

  2. Oh what a sweet poem. Surely your wonderful guardian angel will guide you through your fear of art. Good luck on finishing your project!

    1. Thanks, Jama, I'm going to need all the luck I can get.

  3. I hope you will be able to pick that angel out, and as Jama said, ask her to watch over you while you create. I always admire your computer-driven designs, Diane. That's art too!

    1. Thanks, Linda. I know it's art, but since my fingers never get messy, it somehow doesn't feel legit!

  4. Those last two lines stopped me...unbeliever that I am. Your inventive artistry never ceases to amaze me, Diane.

    1. I love the idea of angels, but I, too, am an unbeliever.

  5. I agree with Robyn that your guardian angel will be looking out for you, no matter what. Remember the wise words of another angel: "Fear not!"

  6. Love the poem and the sound of the Sketchbook Project. I'm sure you'll overcome your fear - maybe with the help of that angel!

    1. Sally, the Sketchbook Project has participants from all over the world. Maybe you'd like to participate for 2017.

  7. I never pondered actually meeting my guardian angel. Maybe it's best just to know our angels are there, watching over us when we take risks, like you making art! (GO FOR IT!!)

    1. I'm still mentally preparing! However, I've been in this stage of preparation for the past two years!

  8. Diane, I am thinking about the hidden picture technique that you spoke about in a post. Your cherub that is floating in the background is calling you to create and believe that all is possible. Your angel trio work today is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Carol! I sent you an angel haiku of sorts for your new winter gallery. Let me know if you don't receive it.

  9. Your musing about your angel's BMI makes me chuckle. I always enjoy your pointy endings.

    1. It came as a result of my wondering how an angel sees him/her/itself.

  10. I'm so glad that I read your poem today, Diane. Just this morning, a friend shared a set of angel cards that she uses for inspiration. My angel told me to get outside! "Will you still BE/if I cease to believe" -- such a big question.

    1. I'm hoping to get outside tomorrow. I spent part of today at an antiques market and bought a few postcards just because of the messages written upon them. Fodder for the imagination!

  11. Maybe you can take pencil to paper outside of the sketchbook and then glue those pages in, to take the pressure off messing up? Also, I can see you enjoying collage. Or doing watercolor backgrounds. If you do them on other paper, maybe you can give yourself permission to mess up. I think my angels might be my grandparents...

  12. The beauty of collage is layering over what you don't like. And glitter covers a multitude of sins. :-) xoxox Go forth, my friend, and get messy.

  13. "How will I pick you out from the others when you're dancing on the head of a pin?" Love that. I think I could probably pick out mine though. My guardian angel is the one that does NOT have an appropriate BMI, but man, she knows how to dance the monkey– flailing her arms and whipping her hair about with wild abandon. ;)
