March 18, 2016

Poetry Friday--Free Coffee!

That got your attention, right? This coming Monday, March 21, has been declared World Poetry Day by the United Nations.
UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.
So where does the free coffee come in? A coffee roasting company, Julius Meinl, will give away a free cup of coffee in exchange for an original poem at more than a thousand coffee shops, mostly in Europe and Asia. However, according to the map, which you can see on the #PayWithAPoem Facebook page, there is a location participating in Chicago!

I won't be getting a free cup of coffee, but I will share a coffee poem or two! I posted an illustrated coffee poem a few Fridays ago, click here if you missed it.

I knew I had coffee poems in my files, but I didn't realize I had more than a dozen until I went looking. (Don't worry, I won't subject you to a dozen!) I'll start with this haiga from March 2012:

The next one was written in response to one of Laura Salas's 15 words or less Thursday challenges in September 2012:

In my cup of coffee ecru
curds float; the creamer
one day beyond

And I always have a haiku:
January 2009

a fourth cup
this January Sunday
new snow outside

January 2011

funeral service...
we finish our coffee

November 2013

autumn Saturday
...a dishpan full
of coffee mugs

November 2010

church basement
the coffee never
hot enough

And a tanka from April 2010:
three crows comment
on the traffic
this Monday morning
I wait at the light
and sip my coffee

Haiga and poems © Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge is this week's Round-Up hostess. Stop by and stay a while.


  1. We can always count on you for a bottomless cup of haiku, Diane! More than a dozen coffee poems??? Amazing. Of these, I'm especially drawn to Jan 2011 and your tanka from 2010.

  2. Coffee and World Poetry Day - Life doesn't get much better than that! Thanks so much for sharing both, Diane, along with your great poems. Love that "april rain."

    1. Everything's better with a leisurely cup of coffee!

  3. The curdled creamer! ACK! So many different facets of life, united by coffee.

    1. Curdled cream is interesting to look at, not so interesting to consume!

  4. A richness of coffee poems, indeed! I'm now thinking of all the ways coffee weaves through our daily lives. Jan 2011 resonates with me. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the idea of world poetry day! I also love your coffee poems. Each one captures such a different moment. I think my favorite is the tanka. I need to study those more.

    1. Tanka actually is a lot freer than haiku since you can state emotions and use poetic language.

  6. Diane, I always love coming to your site to get bits of wonderful information and be intrigued by your poetry. The digital composition is vivid and to the point. Perhaps, it should enter my spring gallery's hall (of course, I have to find time to complete the winter one). The tanka captures a morning sight-very observant. Let's celebrate World Poetry Day with a round of poetry and coffee.

    1. I will send you a more spring-like illustrated poem, Carol!

  7. How wonderful about that giving away a cup for a poem! I love your coffee poems, good "to the last drop", Diane. But I particularly enjoy the "dishpan full".

  8. I like your little vignettes, especially the funeral haiku...quite somber.

    1. Yes, and I realized when I found it again that for me, there seems to be an inordinate number of January funerals!

  9. I've discovered a number of coffee poems tucked away also, and a new one up for today!
    The filled dishpan and the funeral ones were vivid images and struck me especially.

  10. Love the dishpan full of coffee mugs - I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do love mugs. My daughter and I love a mug of milk and sometimes hot chocolate in those coffee mugs! Excited to learn that Monday is World Poetry Day. I'll do my best to squeeze in a poem or two into the Monday substitute plans.

    1. I like mugs too. There's a certain heft to them that makes you want to hold on.

  11. It's amazing how many different stories a cup of coffee can tell!

    1. And those are just my stories. What are yours?

  12. Perhaps the world needs an adult picture book on coffee. LOL I put a reference to coffee in my recent reindeer games poem. I wonder how many references to coffee I've made... :-) Nearly Happy World Poetry Day!
