September 29, 2017

Poetry Friday--"Abecedarian"

In writing an abecedarian for Michelle's September TLD challenge (she's featuring all the contributions today), the major stumbling-block for me was to find something for the letters Q and X. In most ABC books Q is usually satisfied by "Queen" or "Quilt," while X often is represented by "X marks the spot," "X-ray," or some word that begins with "eX" rather than X. I always think of using an eX word as cheating. Of course, there's really not a whole lot of words beside xylophone that someone would recognize. I got to thinking a bit more and came up with a solution--plain old X. Unfortunately, X likes being the center of attention! Here's my poem with a slightly tweaked illustration taken from an old book titled, The Pirate's Pocket Book, by Dion Clayton Calthrop.

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


Abecedarian: An Xcellent Xcuse to Xpound

Ask me the goal. (I will xplain.)
Berate me for pursuing it. (I will xpand my argument.)
Celebrate if I achieve it. (...I'll be so xcited!)
Don't smirk, giggle, or
Emit guffaws. (Xempt yourself from such inanities!)
Frown not, either. (You will be xpelled!)
Give me your complete attention. (No xpense other than time is required.)
Hear me! (Let the xplications begin!)
I (me, on xhibit for all to see, and, judge)
Just came up with this brilliant, but slightly
Kooky idea of
Lavishly and lovingly lauding (okay, xceedingly hyperbolic) a
Minor (xcruciatingly so),
Neglected (xhaustingly so), letter, which is
Overpowered constantly by a certain vowel.
Peculiarly xtroverted, this cruciform marks spots and is
Quintessential to communication, yet is
Relegated to playing second fiddle to the xcessively bloviated letter E!
This cannot go
Undenied or unquestioned! (Xposure is necessary!)
We must embrace the letter X. (And render xtraneous vowels xtinct.)
X! All by its lonesome self--no
Yielding to the call of that xtra E.
Zip, nada, nothing, but X! The xceptional letter.

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

Laura is hosting the Round-Up today at Writing the World for Kids--she's waiting for you!


  1. X-cellent! #nomoretosay

  2. I like a good rant. And a poetic rant, to boot. I think X might be the younger sibling of E, always following, but longing to elbow E right out of the way. I think you've made younger siblings everywhere dance for joy.

    1. If you ever find yourself in need of a rant, just let me know!

  3. It is an X-traordinary application to this challenge, Diane. You've done it X-tremely well. And I guess all the poem's comments will be X-asperating today!

    1. Thank you, Linda! Since you've attended the Highlights poetry workshop, do you have any advice, suggestions, etc.?

  4. HA! "xcessively bloviated " - love. Learned a new word. [Oh, the immediate current-event thoughts that come to mind with its definition...] Very clever all around, and so glad you've given X its due.

    1. I first found the word when I was writing about he-who-shall-not-be-named! It's great, isn't it?

  5. Most x-cellent. Love the humor and playfulness of your poem. X does indeed like to be the center of attention and I like to think of each letter having a distinct personality. Well done!

    1. Each letter's personality might make for a fun picture book, Jama!

  6. Bravo, Diane. X marks the spot for fun word play.

    1. What good are words if you can't play with them?

  7. Nice way to tackle Michelle's challenge, Diane! Must've been Xilharating when you finally finished. ;)

    1. I actually could have gone on a little more. I needed to xtract every last bit from that schtick!

  8. X-actly x-ceptional! Cruciformal delight!

  9. I LOVE it! X should be x-hilerated after this tribute!

  10. I am in Xtascy after ready such an arduous use of the letter X! Great fun and eXtraordinarily witty.

  11. LOL! I stayed in stuck mode, but you wrangled your way out by letting the tricky letter take the spotlight! BRILLIANT!!

  12. Oh my gosh! This is SO clever. Love it!

    1. Thanks, Laura! It's always fun to xcavate an idea and have it succeed!

  13. One of the first things I do every time I get a new alphabet book is to see how they handled the very tricky letter X! You're an inspiration to alphabet book writers everywhere! :-D

    1. Yup! We librarians are like that! Always xpecting something new and xciting.

  14. Come to think of it, just having read *Liar & Spy* by Rebecca Stead, I think we ought do it, just go for it and obliterate the eX construction. After all, the /ks/ sound just isn't used anywhere else, so let's let X say its name! Xcellent plan. I xpect you to join me in this xciting mission!

  15. I'm xhausted just reading all these comments! X has never felt so xtraordinarily vindicated. Great job with this, Diane. I'm happy enough stick to my cheating ways. ;)

  16. Xultations for this xcellent xemplar of xamination! -- Christie @

  17. Fun xtraordinary poem, glad the letter X has finally been given it's due place, thanks Diane!
