April 18, 2019

Ekphrastic April 2019, Day 18: "Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts"

Linda Baie suggested this painting to me. Manchester, Massachusetts is now officially known as Manchester-by-the-Sea, a rather more lovely name. Eagle Head is near "Singing Beach," see video below.

"Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts (High Tide)" (1870) by Winslow Homer [1836–1910].


increasingly fanciful theories
in a discussion of musical sands

followed by grins and whoops
from bare-legged friends
dodging waves with abandon

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

A cherita is a haiku-like poem of three stanzas that tells a "story." The first stanza is one line and sets the scene. Stanza two is two lines, stanza three is three lines. A cherita terbalik is a cherita with the order of the stanzas rearranged.

1 comment:

  1. Love those 'grins and whoops', so looking forward to our beach time. Glad you liked the painting, too, Diane. And that video, who knew?
