April 6, 2019

Ekphrastic April 2019, Day 6: "Fashion Shop"

Today's artist belonged to the Fauvist movement. Wikipedia defines it thusly:
Fauvism is the style of les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts"), a group of early twentieth-century modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism.

"Fashion Shop" (1914) by August Macke [1887-1914].

living in the city

no bemoaning the absence
of the natural world

women and their
accoutrements all the color
that is needed

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

Sadly, Macke, died in France, during the early months of World War I.

A cherita is a haiku-like poem of three stanzas that tells a "story." The first stanza is one line and sets the scene. Stanza two is two lines, stanza three is three lines. A cherita terbalik is a cherita with the order of the stanzas rearranged.


  1. Even from so long ago, "all the color that is needed" is still true today. Good statement, Diane.

    1. Sadly, hats used a lot of birds' feathers in the pursuit of fashion.

  2. Catching up on my cheritas today. I love this one!
