April 30, 2019

Ekphrastic April, Day 30: "Reverie"

We started the month with dreams and we will end it with dreams. Thanks for stopping by to help celebrate National Poetry Month 2019!

"Reverie" (date unknown) by Évariste Carpentier [1845-1922].

summer day dreams

she needs no guides
to their interpretation

the light of the sun
is her spotlight and she
is the star of the show

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

A cherita is a haiku-like poem of three stanzas that tells a "story." The first stanza is one line and sets the scene. Stanza two is two lines, stanza three is three lines. A cherita terbalik is a cherita with the order of the stanzas rearranged.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sally. I'm looking forward to summer this year!

  2. Beautiful!!! Thanks for all your cheritas this month. Loved all the art and your wonderful words. I can just hear the sound of that bubbling water in the painting.

    1. Thank you, Jama. I look at the painting and I think about how almost everyone has walked in the woods and found small streams. Even in cities there are wooded parks with rivulets.

  3. I love the surprise element in your poem, making the ducks the audience and the girl the star of the show. You have a lovely gift, Diane.

  4. It is a gorgeous and dreamy end, Diane. Your poems please every time. Happy Poetry Month!

    1. Thank you, Linda. Here's wishing the rest of the year is Happy Poetry time!
