February 23, 2020

Happy Haiga Day!

Tabatha Yeatts asked a number of poet friends to participate in writing about hand marked paper ballots. The poems were to be included in a Poetry Friday post she was planning. I love a challenge, so I accepted her invitation! I have a poem called "Ballot" in Tabatha's post. I recommend checking out the variety of poems that are included.

The poem below, isn't about the paper ballot issue directly, but was written to reflect my thoughts on those who would subvert an election through fraud and interference.

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


Hansel and Gretel Tried: An Election Fable

"Just wait, Gretel, until the moon rises, and then we shall see the crumbs of bread..."
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

The evolving nature of cyberthreats means that securing the election data and infrastructure can never be 100 percent sure. Lee C. Bollinger and Michael A. McRobbie

Hansel and Gretel tried
to find home by leaving
a trail of crumbs behind.

They thought themselves
secure by tearing up
a crusty loaf of bread.

It seemed a perfect solution--
easy to do and the crumbs
not easily seen by witches.

Hansel and Gretel tried,
but they didn't count on
avian vision and hunger.

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