April 1, 2020

Ephrastic April, Day 1: "Young Fisherman Looking at Sea"

Welcome to Day 1 of the 2020 edition of Ekphrastic April in celebration of National Poetry Month. Come back each day during April for works of art created by women, each one is accompanied by an original cherita inspired by the work. Haiku Sticky and Happy Haiga Day! posts will resume in May.

"Young Fisherman Looking at Sea" (date unknown) by Virginie Demont-Breton [1859-1935].

storm rages

a young fisherman watches
what is out of his control

all he can do is dress
for the weather and trust
his mates are heedful

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


  1. I look forward to your images, Diane, and your response to them. This is a thoughtul look at April, and it feels to me like a wish for us all. Thank you and Happy Poetry Month, celebrating the words that will keep us going.

    1. Yes, it can be interpreted in many ways. Thanks for stopping by, Linda. Happy Poetry Month to you, too!

  2. I’m looking forward to seeing the art you choose and reading your poetic response to it. Today’s poem seems so true for the time we are now in. So much is out of our control.

  3. I am reading some April blogs in May! NapoMo V2. Excited to see your cheritas. I am working on learning forms. Janet F.
