April 6, 2020

Ephrastic April, Day 6: "A Bed of Poppies"

"A Bed of Poppies" (1909) by Maria Oakey Dewing [1845-1927].

home school

in the yard we examine
one square foot

a dozen poppies
too many ants to count
one rusty matchbox car

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


  1. I used to have students examine one square foot for a month, Diane, taking notes on changes, what was seen, etc. Your response to this beautiful painting captures a lovely moment and adding that car, long ago poignant memory I suspect. Hope all is going okay with you despite the crazy challenges.

    1. A month is more than doable for the kids who are restricted to home; I'm sure the changes would be startling to kids who'd never thought to look before.

  2. It’s amazing what you can see in a small space if you really look and your poem captures that. Linda, I love that assignment you gave!

    1. When I was little, back when dinosaurs roamed, I lay on the ground and was fascinated by the industry of teeny little ants.
