Featuring cherita!

April 21, 2019

Ekphrastic April 2019, Day 21: "Easter Witch with Cat"

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

Jenny Nyström was a prolific illustrator who was active during the golden age of postcards (late 1800s, early 1900s).

A witch seems an odd Easter symbol, yet, it is a common one in Sweden. Ragamuffins dress as witches, and, adults light bonfires in celebration of the Easter witch! (Does anyone use the term "ragamuffin" any more?)

"Easter Witch with Cat" (date unknown) by Jenny Nyström [1854-1946].

children in kerchiefs
cheeks blooming with rouge

Easter witches

knock on doors seeking
treats from neighbors who
welcome a little heathenry

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

A cherita is a haiku-like poem of three stanzas that tells a "story." The first stanza is one line and sets the scene. Stanza two is two lines, stanza three is three lines. A cherita terbalik is a cherita with the order of the stanzas rearranged.


  1. New to me. What interesting traditions pass up in different countries. I imagine the children love it as those in the US like Halloween. Love that final line!

    1. It's interesting to me how many traditions include children in raggedy costumes knocking on door expecting treats. When I was young (1950s), at Thanksgiving time, ragamuffins went around parts of NYC's boroughs collecting coins.

  2. This could be me! Heidenrich means "heathen kingdom," donchaknow. ;)
