Featuring cherita!

April 4, 2021

Ekphrastic April, Day 4: "The Boston Sunday Herald: Easter"

 "The Boston Sunday Herald: Easter" (1895) by Ethel Reed [1874-1912] 


a happy Easter!
just 21 years of age
and making a living

my bills are being
posted around Boston
--the world is next


© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


Ethel Reed quickly became an illustrator of note in the mid-1890s.  She created posters (then known as handbills or bills), book covers, and illustrations.  She had turned 21 on March 13, 1895 and Easter was on April 14 that year.  Sadly, she passed away in 1912.


  1. Wow, 1895 & it is lovely, as is your ode to Ethyl Reed, Diane. Happy Easter to you! On a different note. I knew a few older women named Ethyl in my youth. It makes me wonder how the name became popular then faded away? I suppose it's culture changing.

  2. You're right about culture changing, Linda. My aunts, born between 1910 and 1920, were named Stella and Sophie. The names disappeared until recently when they became au courant once again. I can't remember how many kids I knew as a child were named Linda or Nancy. I imagine those names will cycle through once again soon.
