Featuring cherita!

June 1, 2009

It's a Happening!

Do you remember happenings from the 60s? I do, I'm old. But if you don't, here's how Wikipedia defines a "happening,"
a performance, event or situation meant to be considered as art. Happenings take place anywhere, are often multi-disciplinary, often lack a narrative and frequently seek to involve the audience in some way. Key elements of happenings are planned, but artists sometimes retain room for improvisation.
It seems that happenings are happening again! The video below, documents one that was initiated by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

It's nice to see people working together to create something, isn't it? Amy is a children's author, which probably goes a long way to explaining her belief that a cooperative art experience is possible!

According to Amy at whoisamy.wordpress.com, "the next big something will happen in Chicago on 9/9/09."

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