Featuring cherita!

November 30, 2018

Poetry Friday--And So It Begins

The rush toward the holidays has begun. For some, though, the season of joy is exactly the opposite.

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


late November 2018

decreased daylight, rain, cold,
and, oh, the state of the world

a surfeit of tears
at the sound of a carol
the squish of a bug

The blues can do a number on you. Sit under a therapeutic light, wrap yourself in a fuzzy sweater, brew a pot of tea, stay away from the news. Cry if you need to. Just remember, after December 21, the days will get longer again. The holiday rush will slow to a halt. And, after December 25, holiday chocolate will be "priced to go!" Stock up!

Visit Carol's Corner for this week's Poetry Friday Round-Up--you may find poetry is even better than chocolate!


  1. Love the advice about holiday chocolate, Diane. Planning ahead! Your 'squish of a bug' reminded me of the recent news that the insect population is declining, more to worry over! Don't know if that sparked your line, but I noticed. The winter blues feel less here because we still have sunshine, but closed windows & doors bring too much "in" for me. I am hopeful for the new year to bring more goodness. Thanks for sharing the few words that tell all for December.

    1. The report didn't spark the bug line. I was looking at a strange bug and someone came along with a tissue and killed it. I felt so bad. (We have an expression in this region--"soft as a grape." That's me.)

  2. Yes, so true. A funny time, the holiday season -- joy and sadness together. Good advice with the self care.

  3. I’m feeling the gray here, Diane - the surfeit of tears indeed. Hoping for more sun 🌞 the glitter of December, and renewed hope. Wishing you joy.

    1. Thanks, Vicki! Enjoy the holidays! And keep posting photos of your grandkids--such cuties!

  4. I'm feeling a little gloomy these days too! I think you have good advice, especially the part about the chocolate.

    1. Here it seems like the sun has taken a vacation!

  5. "...oh, the state of the world" Yup. That's enough right there to make any day a grey one! Here's to longer days, more light, and discount chocolate!

  6. I love the squished bug at the end. With the rush to the end of the year, sometimes I feel like I'm that bug!
