Featuring cherita!

December 18, 2018

Haiku Sticky #483

A flock of birds landed in the backyard causing the cat to hyperventilate. I barely had time to focus on an individual bird, no less look it up to see what it was, before the whole group up and left.

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.


migrating flock...
not grounded long enough
to look up its name


  1. Your haiku brings me back to my childhood when my mom watched the birds that flew to our porch each season. She always kept her bird book on the kitchen table by the window so she could look up and identify our feathered visitors.

    1. Leslie, have you seen the poster with all the birds of America included? I'm hoping to get one some day. I found the link: https://popchart.co/products/birds-of-north-america
