Featuring cherita!

April 29, 2019

Ekphrastic April, Day 29: "Tea Time"

"Tea Time" (1920) by Alice Bailly [1872-1938].

they meet for tea

at first the conversation
barely a step above gossip

the pot emptied refilled
emptied again until words
that must be spoken, are

© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.

A cherita is a haiku-like poem of three stanzas that tells a "story." The first stanza is one line and sets the scene. Stanza two is two lines, stanza three is three lines. A cherita terbalik is a cherita with the order of the stanzas rearranged.


  1. What an unusual painting. I enjoy how artists create new ideas. Your brief story makes me want to eavesdrop on those 'words/that must be spoken'.

    1. Brevity forces the reader to imaginatively extend the scene.
