Featuring cherita!

April 9, 2021

Ekphrastic April, Day 9: "Poor Cupid, or Love Ensnared."

Please read this Smithsonian post about sculptor, Edmonia Lewis.  As an American woman artist she faced many hurdles.  As a woman of color, she faced even more.  After growing up in the US, it's no wonder she decided to move to Europe.  


"Poor Cupid, or Love Ensnared" (c. 1872-1876) by Edmonia Lewis [c. 1843-1879].

I sculpt the myths
of men in marble
cold and white

they resemble their

viewers--white and blind
never free
© Diane Mayr, all rights reserved.   


  1. Well done, Diane. I love the voice you gave to this sculpture & to Edmonia! I read the article & that made me recall that I had read a story about her, Stone Mirrors, by Jeannine Atkins. I particularly remember her terrible time at Oberlin.

    1. Thanks, Linda! I definitely need to do more reading on Edmonia Lewis.
