Welcome to Poetry Friday brought to you from the great state of New Hampshire! And to celebrate, here's a seasonal poem from a neighbor up the road (a hundred years ago)--Robert Frost:
Gathering LeavesThis year, the leaves have been less than spectacular. We've had a lot of rain and wind, and much of the color has ended up stuck to windshields and on the ground. Like Frost's crop, ours this year has grown duller "from contact with earth."
Spades take up leaves
No better than spoons,
And bags full of leaves
Are light as balloons.
I make a great noise
Of rustling all day
Like rabbit and deer
Running away.
But the mountains I raise
Elude my embrace,
Flowing over my arms
And into my face.
I may load and unload
Again and again
Till I fill the whole shed,
And what have I then?
Next to nothing for weight;
And since they grew duller
From contact with earth,
Next to nothing for color.
Next to nothing for use.
But a crop is a crop,
And who's to say where
The harvest shall stop?
Autumn leaves in their various states of change have been inspiration for poems for as long as there have been poets, and probably for as long as there have been leaves. I imagine the delight of cave men upon seeing the brilliant colors of autumn--the same as we find delight today! I imagine the autumn melancholia, too, is the same.
Share your links in the comments below and I'll post them. I may sneak out for a few hours in the afternoon, but I'll get to all the links as quickly as I can.
I'll begin with my own links: At Kids of the Homefront Army, I continue through the war with a poem that is a bit sad, but that's what war is...
At Kurious Kitty's Kurio Kabinet I have a creepy flower poem--yes, there is such a thing--by Amy Lowell. And, at KK's Kwotes, there's a little something from Carl Sandburg.
A few early birds chimed in:
Charles Ghigna, a.k.a. Father Goose, was super early--before the sun even set in NH last night! He shares a fun little holiday poem, "Halloween Candy Check" from his book, Halloween Night.
Robyn Hood Black has an interview with poet Irene Latham. What an accomplished lady, she is. As if her poetry wasn't enough to wow me--Irene completed a quilt-a-month challenge! And isn't this a great quote?--"I believe strongly that the most important thing I can do for my writing is go out and live a life worth writing about."
If you click here, you'll be transported to GatheringBooks half-way round the world in Singapore! There Myra shares "Day and Night" by Gemino H. Abad.
At Musings, fellow New Hampshire citizen, Joyce Ray, talks about our first taste of snow for the season (yes, it's true, we had snow, but not enough to make me think about putting on gloves just yet). She also features a poem, "Blue Snow," from Donald Hall's latest (and last?) collection.
Camille at A Curious Thing found that Guyku: A Year of Haiku for Boys appeals to boys--both young and old.
Laura Salas celebrates National Chocolates Day with a J. Patrick Lewis poem. Sometimes it's best to resist a chocolate craving! Laura also has a nice bunch of 15 Words or Less poems here.
And now we have those who were up at the crack of dawn!
Of course someone who lives on The Poem Farm would be up with the birds! Amy shares an original poem about nesting and she shares the fabulous news that her book Forest Has a Song will be out in the spring of 2013. It'll be here before you know it, Amy!
Tara at A Teaching Life reports that she heard Naomi Shibab Nye read recently, and so, she shares a poem and a little Nye story. Nice!
Gregory K. has an original poem just in time for the upcoming festivities: "I’m the Squeak upon the Stair..." And Greg hints that he's going to be looking for some peanut butter cups on Monday.
Tabatha Yeatts surprised me with her question after the poem "To My Brother Killed In Battle." Check it out.
Heidi shares "Totem" by Eamon Grennan at My Juicy Little Universe. (It always makes me smile when I read her blog title!) "Totem" is a marvelously descriptive poem about a pumpkin giving way to decomposition.
Andi Sibley has a video of Micah Bourne's contemplation of shampoo for "normal hair." The line "There is something divine about you," takes us into a whole other direction. Glorious!
Mary Lee reviews Laura Purdie Salas' new book Bookspeak!: Poems about Books. Mary Lee has a thing for "bird blobs"--who knew?
More proof that great minds think alike, Jama Rattigan also reviewed Laura's book here, and she looks at Jon Muth's adaptation of Bob Dylan's "Blowin in the Wind," here. Muth, as an illustrator, uses metaphor, too. I'm so glad that Jama points this out for us.
The 16 Commonwealth nations have voted and women may now ascend the throne in the United Kingdom!
TeacherDance reports that they've had snow in Denver, too, and she has an original poem on the slide into winter called "This Moment Fills Me."
Oh, no, look what we have in store (from NOAA--they like to shout):
Maria Horvath brings us a lovely painting of Penelope and lines from the "Odyssey." By the way, Maria posts poetry every day, so visit her blog often!
Katya Czaja has another Robert Frost poem for us, "Now Close the Windows." She also said, "On Wednesday, migrating bluebirds hopped among the last few golden leaves of my sugar maple." I have bird envy--I've only seen a handful of bluebirds in my lifetime (and I'm, as my mother used to say, "no spring chicken.")
Joining in on the Halloween fun is Martha Calderaro with an awesome jack-o-lantern poem. Glad you're back to Poetry Friday!
Sara Lewis Holmes has a video clip of Alison Krauss singing "Ghost in the House." It'll send sad shivers down your back!
From Haiti, Ruth sends us a tantalizing portion of "Machines" by Michael Donaghy. Enjoy your upcoming days off, Ruth!
My buddy Janet of The Write Sisters, has a poem about a costume party that I'm glad I wasn't invited to! It's "All Souls" by Michael Collier.
Steven Withrow is interviewed at Kirkus Reviews where he spreads the news about Poetry Advocates for Children and Young Adults. If you haven't joined the group, please do--we'll wait for you, click here or on the little green bird icon on the right-hand side of this page.
We're introduced, by Karen Edmisten, to a book called The Tomb of the Boy King. Karen says, it's a "poetic version of the discovery of King Tut's tomb." That should be interesting! Wait--I just looked it up in my library's catalog and we own it! How did I miss it?
At Teaching Authors, JoAnn Early Macken offers us an original entitled, "The Trick to Getting Published." A simple trick, but you have to learn it the hard way!
Kayroo at BooksYALove recommends the novel-in-verse Karma by Cathy Ostlere. Looks like plenty for discussion in a YA book group with this novel--cultural and ethnic differences, political history, etc.
Paper Tigers has a great quote by Gillian Clarke, "Haunting is all about imagination, and the best imaginers are poets and children." Clarke is the author of The Whispering Room: Haunted Poems, which is shared today by Sally.
One more link before I head off for a little lunch with friends: Liz Scanlon is all about birds today with her photo of a gazillion of them on telephone wires (a touch of Hitchcock), and her links to poems by Robert Frost and Charles Bukowski. For all you bird and poetry lovers, I'd like to suggest that you look for Bright Wings: An Illustrated Anthology of Poems about Birds, edited by Billy Collins (Columbia U. Press, 2010).
I'm back, sorry I took so long. To continue, more Halloween treats await at Wild Rose Reader where Elaine reviews Hallowilloween: Nefarious Silliness by Calef Brown. Don't you love that word, nefarious? Elaine also has several other Halloween poems and books to recommend.
Amanda at The Writer's Life gives us a look at her Poetry Friday. Phew, I'm exhausted just reading it! No wonder she didn't get her original poem completed in time to post! That's okay, she shared a poem by Naomi Stroud Simmons, "Without Reservations." The last two lines should make you grin.
Lorie Ann Grover, at Readertotz, previews North by Nick Dowson, due in January. It's nonfiction in poetry form. And, at On Point she has an original small poem accompanied by a spider-topped skull!
Did Charles Gigna post so early last night because he was headed to Bangkok today? If so, Father Goose must have a jet-powered Halloween broomstick! Read an interview here.
Okay, I'm going to quote David Elzey directly for this description: "i'm in this week with a true story of the abraham lincoln coconut vampire turtle...cake. crazy, but true." It's all at fomograms.
At All about Books, Janet S. introduces a title I haven't seen before, Holiday Stew: A Kids Portion of Holiday and Seasonal Poems by Jenny Whitehead.
Donna has a new old house in Maine! At Mainely Write, her original poem, "The House with the Wrinkled Wall," tells of the house's make-over, and from the photo, that make-over comes not a minute too soon!
Thank you for hosting, Diane, and thank you too for the leaf poem. Our leaves were very pretty this season, but today they were overshadowed by SNOWFLAKES! The seasons roll on. Today I have an original poem, "Round and Round", about a nest. http://www.poemfarm.amylv.com/2011/10/round-and-round.html A.
ReplyDeleteJust love that first stanza! I'm in with a couple by Naomi Shihab Nye - whom I just had the pleasure of seeing read these live at the Teacher's College Saturday Reunion.
Hi! it's actually GatheringBooks - not Gathering Words. :) Thanks for hosting! Also liked the poem you shared. :) Robert Frost a must for the season.
ReplyDeleteI'm up with an original this week...
ReplyDeleteI'm the Squeak Upon the Stair...
Thanks for hosting (and for the Frost)!
Hi Diane! That's a great photo you found -- goes with the poem perfectly. Thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteToday I have To My Brother Killed In Battle:
Good morning and thanks for hosting! I'm in today with "Totem" by Eamon Grennan.
I can always love a Frost poem or a leaf poem. Great choice! Today I have a video of Micah Bournes reciting his poem about "normal" hair. Thanks for doing the round up!
ReplyDeleteLeaves and leaves and more LEAVES! We are blessed to live in an older neighborhood with lots of big old trees. The first of the leaves have fallen, and the neighborhood streets have been lined with a dozen-dozen bags/cans of leaves at the curb for yard waste recycling.
ReplyDeleteIn my classroom, we learned about why leaves change color and why the trees don't need them any more. One of my students wants to know, Why is sugar a good food for trees, but not for us?!
I digress. This week, I'm reviewing Laura Purdie Salas' new book, BOOKSPEAK!: POEMS ABOUT BOOKS.
Hi Diane! I chimed in last night but my stuff isn't in the roundup yet, so here it is again. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Diane--Thanks for hosting! I'm in with a J. Patrick Lewis poem celebrating National Chocolates Day. It's not quite as delicious as you might think: http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/298924.html
And I've also got 15 Words or Less poems at:
I love this post! What a beautiful, enduring poem.
ReplyDeleteOur leaves are just beginning to peak around here. Recent rain has added some melancholy, though.
Today I'm responding to Jon J Muth's picture book adaptation of Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind."
Have a beautiful weekend, Diane, and thanks for hosting today!!
Forgot to mention that I also celebrated the release of Laura's BookSpeak this week:
Such a cool book! :) Get your unicycles ready. . .
We just had our first snow in Denver, and now our lawn is covered with leaves brought down. I love the poem from Frost, who tells the story exactly, doesn't he? I have one more poem for autumn that's mine. http://teacherdance.blogspot.com/2011/10/one-more-time-for-autumn.html
ReplyDeleteThank you, Diane, for hosting.
ReplyDeleteThe Frost poem describes the situation in my garden exactly --
And who's to say where
The harvest shall stop?
It'll stop for me when I have finished gathering another 40 bags of those pesky leaves.
In the meantime, on my blog, it's a happy time for the beautiful Penelope, who has been faithful and true while she's been waiting for twenty years for her husband Odysseus to return from the Trojan War.
Joining in the fun at Write. Sketch. Repeat.
ReplyDeleteI guess it must Frost weather this week because the weather yesterday reminded me of a different poem of his, "Now Close the Windows".
Thanks for hosting! I've not been to Poetry Friday in a while, and I've been missing it! I have a Halloween-inspired penning over at my site today: http://marthacalderaro.wordpress.com/2011/10/28/happy-halloween-2/
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting, Diane, and for your thoughtful teasers linked to each post. The Frost poem is perfect today. What different kinds of weather we're all experiencing this weekend!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel this way about writing:
"Next to nothing for use.
But a crop is a crop,
And who's to say where
The harvest shall stop?"
I just keep at it with my well-worn shovel and weathered rake. Happy Harvesting -
We're dealing with pine needles here--not nearly as romantic as drifting leaves.
ReplyDeleteI'm in today with my favorite hauntingly beautiful ghost song: Alison Krauss singing "Ghost in This House" (plus a movie recommendation.)
Thanks for hosting! Here's my post for today.
ReplyDeleteThere are all kinds of creepy in the world:
I'm interviewed for Kirkus Reviews today about PACYA:
Steven Withrow
I HATE it when my Google account won't let me comment on a blogger blog. Trying again, but shorter.
ReplyDeleteLove this Frost poem, especially the very first stanza. Delightful!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOops -- made an error in my comment ... trying again ...
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting, Diane, and for the Frost poem. One can never have too much Frost. I love him.
I'm in this week with a book in verse that I'm using for history with my daughter. It's here.
Thank you for hosting! I also enjoyed the autumn leaves poem. Here in Wisconsin, we were treated to a brief glorious splash of color, and then a storm knocked all the leaves down. I've posted an original poem about the secret to publication at TeachingAuthors.com.
ReplyDeleteWhoops! Forgot the link: http://www.teachingauthors.com/2011/10/trick-to-getting-published.html
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
KARMA takes us into the throes of India's 1984 civil unrest, as seen through the eyes of a Canadian teen girl traveling for the first time to her parents' homeland in Cathy Ostlere's stunning YA novel-in-verse. My recommendation at http://booksyalove.blogspot.com/2011/10/karma-fiction.html
ReplyDelete**Katy M
Recommending YA books beyond the bestsellers at http://BooksYALove.blogspot.com
Follow me on Twitter @BooksYALove
Hi Diane: Nice post with the Frost poem! PaperTigers chimes in with a post on a book edited by Welsh poet Gillian Clarke called The Whispering Room Haunted Poems at http://www.papertigers.org/wordpress/poetry-friday-the-whispering-room-haunted-poems/
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting today!
ReplyDeleteHere's mine: http://liz-scanlon.livejournal.com/180125.html
Thanks so much for doing the roundup this week!
ReplyDeleteAt Wild Rose Reader, I have a post about poetry for Halloween. It includes a review of Calef Brown's HALLOWILLOWEEN and links to my reviews of other poetry books just right for reading at this time of year.
Thanks for hosting this week, I'm so glad I learned about Poetry Fridays in my poetry class this semester. It has been a great motivator for me lately! I'm still working on an original poem to share today, but for now, you can learn about *this* writer's life and read a shared poem I found last night:
Hello, again! I'm enjoying all these wonderful poems and comments. You're gaining international attention. HALLOWEEN NIGHT made it all the way to BANGKOK ;-)
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you for hosting!
ReplyDeletereadertotz: North
On Point: On my Skull
i'm in this week with a true story of the abraham lincoln coconut vampire turtle... cake. crazy, but true.
thanks for hosting, and stay warm this weekend!
Thanks for hosting.
ReplyDeleteMy selection is "Holiday Stew: A Kids Portion of Holiday and Seasonal Poems" by Jenny Whitehead.
My original is about the home by the sea we have just purchased and have been in and out of taking measurements and just sitting with it. It's stood vacant for many, many years. It's time for some new life!
Seems these aren't coming out as links. I'll try this:
ReplyDeleteThe House with the Wrinkled Wall,
Loved your Robert Frost contribution. Thanks for the great job hosting, Diane!
ReplyDeleteBetter late than never...I'm sharing one of my favorite sites this week: Poetry 180.
Thanks for hosting!
Ben @ The Small Nouns
Diane, I love your Poetry Friday roundups so much! As convenient as Mr. Linky is, there is something so wonderful about how intimate this feels. Thank you. And thanks for your comments about my interview at Robyn's. I'm a bit disappointed in this year's color show too. Sigh. Hope the storm didn't get you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words, Irene. I take the day off from work so that I can actually visit all the blogs and thoughtfully comment. I couldn't do it otherwise. Fortunately I have a gazillion hours of earned time saved up!
ReplyDeleteThe storm got us, but I have power, while a lot of people I know have been out since last night. Keep warm.